There are many factors that need to be considered when trying to ensure the safety of workers. Depending on the nature of your business as well as the number of employees you have at a particular site at any given time your approach should adapt. A large work force working with potentially dangerous equipment like one would find on a building site would present with different concerns to that of a residential unit with three troubled teenagers.

International Concern For Work Accidents
That said the same amount of effort needs to be made to ensure that the workers are safe whether there are 5 or 50 workers, dangerous equipment or knitting needles. By putting in the effort prior to a work accident you go a fair distance to protecting yourself as an employer and the investment you have made in your employees.
An American week for consideration
The United States Department of Labour has dedicated this week to promoting drug awareness and the importance of being drug free at work. The campaign not only highlights the importance of being drug free at work but also tries to provide individuals with the opportunity to seek help with any drug or alcohol related problems they may be having. Drug Free week of the brain child of the Department of Labor, which use the agreements on cooperation with a focus on improving occupational safety and health in construction.
This is done via a variety of workplace programs that look at drug abuse prevention and the positive impact abstinence has on workplace safety as well as the negative implications of drug abuse. According to the researchers at the Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions, there were an estimated 17.7 million working adults using illicit drugs in 2007. Even more worrying is the 3.9 million that do so before they report to work or during work hours. The drug free work week will help employers, supervisors and workers understand how to implement an effective, drug-free program that focuses on detection and deterrence.
A European week for consideration
The European's are also drawing attention to the work environment and are also spending this week on improving work place safety and health. Businesses have been reminded that this year's theme is 'risk assessment' and that prevention is still better than cure. It had been proven on numerous occasions across the world that by assessing the risks and preparing for them is pivotal in keeping the number of work accidents down. Risk assessments are a legal requirement and usually employ a five step process.
The first step involves identifying what the hazards are and the individuals those that are at potential risk. In this step it is also important to prioritise your risks as you think up the measures that need to be taken to prevent certain risks coming to fruition. It is not only important to talk and discuss what the risks are but to actually take the very steps outlined during the 'prevention' planning stages. After taking the action needed to implement the plans, organisations can now monitor and review its capabilities as a preventative measure.
Is it helping, has it highlighted new problem areas, what more can be done? These are the questions that should be asked during the review sessions and by continually going through them, employers ensure they are remaining current with their business. Any concerns are rectified swiftly and unnecessary accidents are prevented as well as the lawsuits that could potentially come with any mishaps.
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