Filing an accident at work claim should be easy. You exchange your years (or months) of service and when something happens and you get hurt simple logic says that you should be fairly taken care of. Of course, anyone who has filed an accident at work claim knows that what is logical and reasonable doesn't always play out.

Filing an Accident-at-Work Claim
Filing an accident at work claim should be easy. You exchange your years (or months) of service and when something happens and you get hurt simple logic says that you should be fairly taken care of. Of course, anyone who has filed an accident at work claim knows that what is logical and reasonable doesn't always play out.
Companies are in business to make money. Every time they have to pay for an employee to go through the worker's compensation program, it costs them money that they can't make back. Thus, they simply are not interested in a sense of fair play or harmony that we would like to expect.
Your job is to make money for your company, and your company doesn't want to spend money on you if you're not profitable. Thus, it is not in their best interest to support your claim. Your employer wants your productivity and has a thin line of patience when it comes to your health and healing.
Companies tend to lose their patience with your healing time frame in part because there has been a great deal of fraud throughout history when it comes to worker's comp claims. Yet your claim is legitimate and you need someone guarding your rights. You will be counseled by someone from the insurance company and they will report back to the decision makers of your company. Having the protection of counsel is imperative to protecting your health and limiting communications with those that don't have your best interest at heart.
This is why a lawyer is necessary. Even the smallest of injuries can be bigger than you initially believe. While you don't have to get a lawyer for a splinter or paper cut, having counsel can protect you even if you end up being just fine. It's better to check in with an attorney rather than ending up with a major injury and no legal protection.
In cases like this you can expect the company you work for to push hard for your return to work, even when it is technically not in anyone's best interest. If you return prematurely and your injury worsens they will simply be looking at another claim. Yet the companies that are only about the initial bottom line will be pushing for you to return as early as possible.
If you are not sure whether your injury is work related, defer to a doctor's opinion and do not claim that you do not know. Injuries like tingling of the fingers, wrist pain, or repetitive motion injuries are often not as easy to detect as you might think. It is better to maintain and withdraw prematurely than in normal health insurance file file and then struggle to get benefits. Filing an accident at work claim should be much easier with the advice of a lawyer.
Matthew Kerridge is an expert in accident compensation. If you would like more information about types of accident at work claim or are looking for a reputable law firm please visit http://personalinjury.ffw.com
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